Avsluttede Prosjekter

  • 2016 Kirkens Nødhjelp

    Kirkens Nødhjelp

    Norwegian Church Aid works with people and organizations around the world in their struggle to eradicate poverty and injustice. We help those whose needs are greatest, regardless of race, creed, political or religious affiliation.

    - For Kirkens Nødhjelp
  • 2012 Diverse prosjekter for Driftsorganisasjonen og Utbygging

    Diverse prosjekter for Driftsorganisasjonen og Utbygging

    Yardstick har levert tjenester til Jernbaneverket på følgende områder:

    • Innkjøp i Drift
    • Innkjøp i Bane
    • Kontrakt og innkjøp i utbygging
    - For Jernbaneverket
  • 2012 Fornying av Rånåsfoss Kraftsasjon

    Fornying av Rånåsfoss Kraftsasjon

    Akershus Energi AS har et stort investeringsprogram innenfor fornybar energi. Akershus Energi har investert i oppgradering av vannkraftverk, fjernvarmenett med varmesentraler og solfangeranlegg i tillegg til fasilsiteter for forskning på fornybar energi.

    Til denne virksomheten har Yardstick levert tjenester som rådgivning innenfor Loven om offentlige anskaffelser herunder Forsyningsforskriften og anvendelse av kontraktstyper for ulike entrepriser. I tillegg har Yardstick utarbeidet maler og håndbok for prosjektgjennomføring.

    Yardstick har også ledet gjennomføring av anskaffelsene fram til kontraktsigneringer for delsprosjektene og utarbeidet og forhandlet rammeavtaler for drift av anleggene.

    - For Akershus Energi
  • 2010 Oljeplattformen Gjøa

    Oljeplattformen Gjøa

    Yardstick has now completed its task with the Gjøa Project. In all we delivered over 8000 hours a year to Aker Solutions , and we are proud to say we were a major part of the procurement department in this project. Here is some more information on what we was a part of.

    gja plasseringThe Gjøa field is the first to be developed in the northern part of the North Sea. This has directly influenced the project in terms of spirit and naming. Gjøa is named after the first vessel to transit the North-West Passage. This three year long journey was completed in 1906, and was headed by the Norwegian arctic explorer Roald Amundsen. Amundsen also led the first Antarctic expedition to reach the South Pole between 1910 and 1912, and was the first person to reach both the North and South Poles.

    The Gjøa field is located offshore Norway, north of Bergen, in the northern North Sea. The sea depth in the area is 360 metres. The reservoir depth is about 2 200 metres. The field was discovered in the spring of 1989, using drilling equipment from Aker Solutions on the semisubmersible drilling rig Polar Pioneer.

    Partners in the license are Statoil, GDF Suez E&P Norge, Petoro, Shell and RWE Dea. Statoil is operator for the development phase, while GDF SUEZ E&P Norge will tok over the operatorship at production startup in June 2010.

    The total development of Gjøa and Vega is currently among the largest development projects on the Norwegian continental shelf. The field is being developed using five subsea templates, tied to the semisubmersible production platform. This concept was chosen based on health, environment and safety considerations, previous experience and profitability. The topside is 110m x 85m, at a dry weight of 20 000 tonnes. The process area weight is 7.520 tonnes, the riser area weight is 4.980 tonnes, the utility area weight is 5.990 tonnes, and the living quarters, lifeboats and helideck weight is 1.544 tonnes. The living quarter capacity is 100 cabins. The total displacement of the platform is 59 000 tonnes.

    Design by Aker Solutions
    gja platformAker Solutions was awarded the contract for the front end engineering design on Gjøa in January 2006. “We are very enthused by winning the front-end design work for the Gjøa platform. In the world market for oil & gas contractors, Gjøa was considered a strategically important project for Aker Solutions underpinning their position as a leading supplier of floating production platforms.

    On Sunday, July 11, Statoil switched on the power, making Gjøa Norway’s first floating platform to get electricity from the mainland. This reduces the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The emission of carbon dioxide will be reduced by about a quarter of a million tonnes per year, equivalent to the annual emission from at least 100,000 cars.

    Slide show about the project
    YouTube video1
    YouTube video2

    - For Aker Solutions - Built for Statoil og Gas De France (GDF)
  • 2015 Edvard Grieg

    Edvard Grieg

    The Edvard Grieg field is located in the Utsira High area in the central North Sea. The Utsira High area is Lundin Norway’s main focus area with the majority of Lundin Norway’s 2P reserves and contingent resources situated in this area.

    - For Aker Solutions - Statoil
  • 2012 Edvard Grieg

    Edvard Grieg

    The Edvard Grieg field is located in the Utsira High area in the central North Sea. The Utsira High area is Lundin Norway’s main focus area with the majority of Lundin Norway’s 2P reserves and contingent resources situated in this area

    - For Aker Solutions - .
  • 2015 Nye fregatter

    Nye fregatter

    ​​​​The frigates are equipped to fight in all maritime warfare areas, anti-aircraft, at the surface and under water. From 2015, the frigates will be supplemented with NH90 helicopters. This will make the frigates more flexible, also when it comes to participating in national and international operations. The last of five frigate​s was handed over to the Navy in January 2011. The five frigates are: KNM Fridtjof Nansen, KNM Roald Amundsen, KNM Otto Sverdrup, KNM Helge Ingstad and KNM Thor Heyerdahl.​

    - For Forsvaret
  • 2013 Ekofisk Zulu (2/4 Z)

    Ekofisk Zulu (2/4 Z)

    Yardstick AS leverer innkjøpsresurser til Aker Solutions, for gjennomføringen av prosjektet Ekofisk 2/4Z for Conoco Phillips. Ekofisk 2/4 Z er en brønnhodeplattform til på en 4 fots jacket. Plattformen blir bygget for 40 års produksjon og en kapasitet på 70 tusen fat olje per dag.

    Den vil ha mulighet for 35 brønner med 8 vanninjeksjonsbrønner som vil hjelpe med å videreutvikle Ekofisk feltet og øke utbyttet. Ekofisk ble oppdaget i 1969 og Elfisk i 1970.

    De to feltene har produsert rundt 260K fat per dag i gjennomsnitt for 2010. Plattformen beregnes ferdig og klar for «Sail away» installasjon montering offshore våren 2013. Yardstick AS startet i prosjektet i begynnelsen av 2011, og vil levere i prosjektet til våren 2013. Yardstick AS har i denne perioden levert over 10000 timer, i innkjøpsstøtte og kontraktsoppfølging.

    - For Aker Solutions