Relacom – Project management in large projects.
Relacom – Project management in large projects.
Relacom is a leading Telecom entrepreneur in the Nordic area. Building infrastructure for all the major telecom companies in the region. Yardstic has been hired to reorganise the project management in Norway, witch is the largest operation of the Nordic region. The methodology is being implemented in Norway, and Yardstick is also part of the Nordic PM coordination group, to ensure best practice in all the Nordic countries.
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Johan Castberg
Johan Castberg
The Johan Castberg (former Skrugard) field is situated approx. 100 kilometres north of the Snøhvit-field in the Barents Sea. The Johan Castberg partners have decided to spend the time leading up to the summer of 2015 to make the final concept selection for the Johan Castberg project.
The work leading up to a new concept selection will be focused on three main areas to provide the best possible quality of the decision-making basis:
Technical development solution
The companies will allocate further resources in order to mature a floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO), while continuing their efforts for a production platform (semi) as a possible offshore development solution.
One of Europe’s most recognized experts for treatment of dangerous waste and contaminated soil, sediments and building waste.
Johan Sverdrup
Johan Sverdrup
Johan Sverdrup is one of the five biggest oil fields on the Norwegian continental shelf. With expected resources of between 1.7 – 3.0 billion barrels of oil equivalent, it will also be one of the most important industrial projects in Norway over the next 50 years. This Statoil project will Aker Solutions handle as a EP project (Engineering and Procurement).
× - 2012 Jernbaneverket Intercity - For Jernbaneverket